hdf images hdf images

This web site is no longer maintained (but will remain online).
Please see The HDF Group's new Support Portal for the latest information.

HDF Known Problems and Workarounds

Known Problems found during testing are listed in the Release Notes for each release. The Release Notes for the current release can be accessed from the Obtain the HDF Software page. Also see the Release Notes for previous releases.

Configure fails due to a dash ('-') in the compiler name when building HDF 4.2.6 or HDF 4.2.7

This problem was fixed in HDF 4.2.7-patch1. See Bulletin 3/23/2012 for details.

Building HDF 4.2.6 with Cygwin takes significantly longer than HDF 4.2.3

A user reported that on Ubuntu, building HDF 4.2.6 with Cygwin took signficantly longer than building HDF 4.2r3. The user upgraded his version of Cygwin to use GCC 4.5.0 (Cygwin 1.7.9) and the problem disappeared.

Test Failures Reported When Building HDF 4.2r4 With jpeg-7

Test failures have been reported when building HDF 4.2r4 with jpeg-7. The Independent JPEG Group began providing jpeg-7 as of 27 June 2009. However, HDF 4.2r4 was tested with and supports jpeg-6b.

- - Last modified: 28 June 2017