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This web site is no longer maintained (but will remain online).
Please see The HDF Group's new Support Portal for the latest information.


The software that The HDF Group has developed for the JPSS project is described on this page.

Tool Development

The HDF Group developers created and currently support the following tools for the JPSS project:

Library Development

JPSS data is distributed in HDF5 files containing raw data and indexing metadata that allows fast access to the raw data. The HDF Group continues to develop software libraries and tools to improve access to this data. As part of this effort, The HDF Group has created a library of C and Fortran routines to access and manipulate data referenced by object and region references and to access and manipulate data packed into integer values. We continue to seek feedback from JPSS applications developers and users, as well as from the wider HDF5 community, and will improve this library as requested.

Supported Systems

The HDF Group is maintaining HDF5 software on the following systems used by JPSS:

For More Information

To download the latest versions of the HDF5 software listed above, see the Downloads page.

See the Technical Support page for help.

Documentation is available on the Documentation page.

- - Last modified: 12 October 2016